Sealing SIPs with SIGA

SIGA tapes offer air and weather barrier solutions for SIP construction. Structural Insulated Panels or “SIPs” are a high-performance building system that serves as the structure and insulation of a building. These building envelopes are extremely robust, energy efficient and cost effective. Typically, SIPs consist of insulating foam core inside two structural OSB facings.  SIP building […]

There’s No Crying in Construction

Building a house might be an amazing challenge, but it is not for everyone. Through the long and intense design and construction process, building a house can be extremely time consuming, requiring a lot of attention to detail and thousands of decisions along the way. For years, folks who are planning to build new homes […]

BSDG – Pretty Good House (Part 2) – Feb. 7, 2012

Two months ago we knocked around Dan Kolbert’s idea of the “Pretty Good House”. Mike Maines, one of our BSDG regulars, posted a blog on Green Building Advisor and received many comments and additional opinions. People really liked this PGH concept. The idea that we could develop a general guide for people to work from without a formal […]

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